Vertex Ventures To Raise $65 Million For Japan-Focused Fund

Singapore – Vertex Ventures, the venture capital subsidiary of Temasek, is set to launch its first fund dedicated to Japanese start-ups. The fund, which seeks to raise $65 million, will focus on investments in the software and deep tech sectors. This initiative underscores Vertex Ventures' commitment to tapping into Japan's vibrant technological landscape and supporting the growth of innovative companies in the region.

Background Information

Vertex Ventures is the venture capital arm of Temasek Holdings, Singapore’s state investment company. Known for its strategic investments in innovative companies across various sectors and regions, Vertex Ventures has a strong track record of identifying and nurturing high-potential start-ups. The decision to establish a Japan-focused fund marks a significant expansion of Vertex Ventures' investment activities, which have previously been concentrated in other parts of Asia, the US, and Europe.

Details of the Fund

The new fund aims to raise $65 million, with a primary focus on software and deep tech start-ups. These sectors are seen as critical drivers of innovation and economic growth. The fundraising process is expected to commence soon, with the goal of making initial investments within the next year. The fund will provide financial support, mentorship, and strategic guidance to selected start-ups, helping them to scale and achieve their growth objectives.

Strategic Rationale

The decision to launch a Japan-focused fund is driven by several strategic considerations. Japan boasts a robust start-up ecosystem and a strong tradition of technological innovation. By targeting the Japanese market, Vertex Ventures aims to capitalize on the country’s advanced technological capabilities and growing entrepreneurial culture. The fund seeks to uncover and support the next generation of Japanese tech companies, contributing to the country's economic development and technological advancement.

Impact on Japanese Start-ups

The $65 million fund is expected to have a significant impact on Japanese software and deep tech start-ups. By providing much-needed capital, Vertex Ventures will help these companies to develop their technologies, expand their operations, and enter new markets. Sectors that could benefit from this investment include artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain, and cybersecurity, among others. The long-term impact of this fund could be substantial, fostering innovation and driving growth in Japan's tech industry.

Reactions and Industry Perspectives

Representatives from Vertex Ventures and Temasek have expressed enthusiasm about the new fund. "We are excited to launch our first Japan-focused fund, which reflects our confidence in the country's start-up ecosystem and technological prowess," said a spokesperson from Vertex Ventures.

Industry experts and start-up founders in Japan have also welcomed the news. "This fund will provide crucial support to Japanese tech start-ups, helping them to achieve their full potential," commented a leading venture capital analyst. Entrepreneurs in Japan see this as an opportunity to gain access to not only capital but also the expertise and networks that Vertex Ventures brings to the table.


The launch of the Japan-focused fund by Vertex Ventures marks an important milestone for both the company and the Japanese start-up ecosystem. By raising $65 million to invest in software and deep tech start-ups, Vertex Ventures is poised to play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and supporting the growth of the tech industry in Japan. This move highlights the growing importance of venture capital in driving technological advancement and economic growth.

Additional Information

Further developments regarding the fund launch, including the timeline for fundraising and initial investments, will be closely watched by industry stakeholders. Vertex Ventures' successful entry into the Japanese market could pave the way for future expansions and similar initiatives by other venture capital firms, enhancing the overall investment landscape in Japan.

Author: Gerardine Lucero


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