YouGov Poll Shows Voters Turning Towards Rejecting Brexit

Published:  6 Jun at 6 PM
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As the confusion continues, a YouGov poll sees voters turning against Brexit and losing faith in Theresa May and the British negotiating team’s ability to deliver.

Numbers of those who believe leaving the EU is the worst option for the UK have increased to 47 per cent of the total votes, a record seven points more than the 40 per cent who are sticking with their decision to vote Leave. The cabinet’s failure to agree on an acceptable exit strategy is one reason for the three-percentage point jump, with the realisation of the devastating effect on the UK’s economy of a no-deal exit gradually sinking into voters’ minds.

In YouGov’s previous Brexit poll, 40 per cent of respondents said the Leave option was the right way forward for the UK, but the numbers are now down by three per cent to 37 per cent. An impressive 62 per cent said the government’s handling of negotiations was bad, with only 23 per cent backing the ministers involved. Of those who voted leave in the referendum, nine per cent are now regretting their decisions, with 81 per cent still sticking to their guns.

As soon as the poll results were announced, the People’s Vote campaign grabbed the results as confirmation that voters should be given another chance via another referendum on the eventual deal. Behind the scenes in parliament and 10, Downing Street, tension is again growing as anti-Brexit campaigns applaud the survey results. Best for Britain is telling it like it is whilst the government’s recklessness is growing day by day in its attempts to force a Brexit due to cause irreparable damage to the country’s economy, environment and standing in the world.

The release of the findings comes as Theresa May is about to break yet another promise, with the publishing of plans for Brexit due to be released this month now unlikely to see the light of day until after the crucial late June EU summit. It seems the cabinet is still in warring mode as regards the various controversies including the Irish border farce. One thing’s for sure, British expats fearing for their futures in EU member states will be keeping their fingers crossed for the results of the next YouGov poll.

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