​Apple Slapped With $12 Million Lawsuit For Battery Scandal In South Korea

Apple iPhone throttling: Class action lawsuit filed in Canada too

Apple is facing a 12.7 billion won ($US11.9 million) class action lawsuit from batterygate in South Korea.

Law firm Hanuri, representing 63,767 consumers, filed a class action lawsuit against Cupertino for damages caused by the company's intentionally slowing down performances of older iPhone models to prolong their battery life.

It is the biggest in terms of plaintiffs for a single lawsuit in South Korea.

Hanuri is demanding 200,000 won, or US$188, per plaintiff for duping consumers and causing mental distress.

Also: Batterygate: Apple betrayed its customers and now it faces a world of hurt

Initially, 400,000 requested to take part in the lawsuit but the number dwindled following authentications.

In January and earlier this month, a local consumer protection NGO filed lawsuits with 122 and 401 plaintiffs, respectively. They demanded around US$2000 per person in damages.

Apple has reportedly been slapped with at least 59 separate lawsuit since December for batterygate.

Previous and related coverage

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