Mobile Premier League Forays In Europe With Acquisition Of GameDuell

E-sports company Mobile Premier League on Monday announced its foray into Europe with the acquisition of Germany-based digital gaming company GameDuell for an undisclosed amount.

With this acquisition, Mobile Premier League (MPL) now has a presence across three continents - Europe, Asia and North America.

"GameDuell is becoming part of the MPL Group and the deal will result in GameDuell being a fully owned subsidiary of MPL," MPL co-founder and CEO Sai Srinivas said in a statement.

Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, GameDuell offers community card and board games, a cross-platform gaming community with more than 40 casual online skill games delivered in seven languages.

"We are excited to expand our operations to Europe after having successfully ventured into Indonesia and the US. We believe our collaboration with GameDuell will give us the right strategic support and expertise to take this new journey forward and help us continue to offer exemplary gaming experience for both India and the world," Srinivas said.

MPL has over 70 games across categories, such as fantasy, quizzing, and casual games on its Android and iOS apps with over 90 million users across India, Indonesia and the US.

"Given GameDuell's expertise and experience in the segment coupled with MPL's global distribution and ambitious vision, we look forward to further building our vision of bringing people together to have a good time with games on a global scale," Gameduell CEO Kai Bolik.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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